Cordula Oeller

Cordula Oeller

Cordula Oeller studied communication design at the University of Applied Sciences in Munich from 1990 to 1994 and worked as a graphic designer for the SZ and other publishing houses. She continued her training as an illustrator at the Kunstakademie Stuttgart from 2000 – 2002. Since 2020 she has been attending the master class with […]

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Fritz Maierhofer

Fritz Maierhofer

Fritz Maierhofer, geboren 1941 in Wien, gehört zu den Pionieren der europäischen Schmuckkünstlern, die in den 1960er und 1970er Jahren mit den Traditionen der Goldschmiedekunst brechen und völlig neue künstlerische Konzepte in die Schmuckgestaltung einbringen. Betrachtet man sein Oeuvre der letzten sechs Jahrzehnte so fällt nicht nur die ungewöhnliche Bandbreite der verwendeteten Materialien ins Auge, […]

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Margit Hart

Margit Hart

Eine tiefgründige Präzision zeichnen alle Schmuckstücke aus, die Margit Hart gestaltet. Selbst zufällige Zeichensetzungen erscheinen eingebettet in ein Rahmengefüge aus gründlich studierten formalen Konzepten und handwerklicher Perfektion. Margit Hart hat nie aufgehört zu studieren und zu forschen. Nach einer Ausbildung zur Goldschmiedin, studierte sie unter anderem Kunstgeschichte. In der 1982 gegründeten Wiener Galerie V&V begeistert […]

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Antonio Sarcinella

Antonio Sarcinella, Artist

In his current work, Antonio Sarcinella deals with the concept of space and plays with the relationship between inside and outside. He plays with perspective compositions, overlaps and spatial shifts with unusual, intense color combinations. The empty, colorful spaces incorporate the idea of landscapes and elements of the outside, testing the viewer’s perception. It remains […]

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Sebastian Gumpinger

Sebastian Gumpinger

Sebastian Gumpinger (born 1977 in Hanover) studied from 2009 to 2015 at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich (master student) with Prof. Förg and Prof. Jean-Marc Bustamente. He lives and works in Mallorca. In the series ‘Steel Paintings’ Sebastian Gumpinger deals in detail with materiality and gesture. The line is the focus of his […]

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Danni Schwaag

Danni Schwaag draws inspiration from moments, from travelling, nature, architecture, art history, interpersonal relationships and (unusual) materials. “At the beginning of my artistic process, there is a puzzle in front of me, a game of materials, shapes and colors. things laid are moved, discarded and rearranged, in search of compositions. My work develops from surprises […]

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Rudolf Kämmer

Rudolf Kämmer uses a strictly constructive concrete design vocabulary.  Since the end of the 1950s, Kämmer has developed his ideas rendering basic geometric forms on graph paper with mathematical precision, while his colors make his works glow and lift them up to an emotionally experienceable state of existence.  In 1961, Kämmer belonged to the ‘Neue […]

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Hermann Jünger

The German artist and goldsmith Herman Jünger (1928 – 2005) is known for his gold jewelry. In the 1950s, he created jewelry pieces that were far removed from the conventional designs of the time, which aimed to show off the wearer’s wealth. Jünger played with gemstones, lines, enamel colors, hallmarks, bars, and archaic-looking marks, leaving […]

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Angelika Hoegerl

Die geometrische Formensprache ihrer freistehenden Skulpturen und skulpturalen Wandarbeiten basiert auf der Auseinandersetzung mit historischen Architekturplänen gotischer Kathedralen. Als Inspiration für die bis zu 20 cm in den Raum kragenden Wandobjekte dienen die Grundrissformen gotischer Bündelpfeiler, die im Querschnitt an stilisierte Blüten oder Schneeflocken erinnern können sowie rapportartig sich wiederholende Figurationen von Gewölbesystemen, die aufgrund […]

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Helga Zahn

In the mid-1950s, Helga Zahn set off from Schwarzenbach / Saale to London without any previous artistic training, first she worked as a domestic help and then, with great energy, realised a fantastic career as a jewelry artist. She acquired basic knowledge in design and jewelry art in 1958 with the painter Peter Gee and […]

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