What does the perfect day look like? Against the backdrop of a thickly snow-covered forest, skiers carve down the slopes. A couple enjoys being close to each other, yet both are lost in themselves. People, lovers and strangers communicate with gestures and glances. In her series of pictures entitled ‘A Perfect Day’, which we are exhibiting […]
Man Machine Lab
Künstliche Intelligenz generiert Bildwelten, die den Betrachter zu einem veränderten Umgang mit der fotografischen Realität herausfordern. Bilder werden aus Sprache geschaffen und imitieren das bisher fotografisch hergestellte Bild auf eine immer perfektere Weise. Fotorealistische Visionen jenseits von Wahrheit und Authentizität erfordern eine neue Wahrnehmungslogik. In seinen neuesten Werkserien beschäftigt sich DANIEL KRAUS mit der Frage, wie […]
Was macht Kunst so faszinierend für uns? Es ist ein neuer, frischer Blick auf die Welt, eine andere Perspektive, die uns Künstlerinnen und Künstler durch ihre Werke ermöglichen. Dabei sind den Materialien und Techniken, den Möglichkeiten, die eigene Wahrnehmung zum Ausdruck zu bringen keine Grenzen gesetzt. Seit Gründung der Galerie zeigen wir Kunstschaffende, die mit […]
Mehr als jedes andere künstlerische Medium vermag die zeitgenössische Schmuckkunst einen Dialog zwischen zwei Menschen zu entfachen. Denn der Schmucktragende bringt mit Mut und Enthusiasmus eine künstlerische Botschaft in den öffentlichen Raum hinein und zwingt jedes Gegenüber zu einer Reaktion auf den mit einem Kunstwerk dekorierten Körper. Kunstvermittlung geschieht hier auf subversive Art und Weise, […]
We are very pleased to show a series of works by the Munich painter and musician Antonio Sarcinella for the first time. Sarcinella has been studying painting with Prof. Anke Doberauer at the Academy of Fine Arts Munich since 2017 and will graduate as a master student in February 2024. In his current works he […]
‘There is no straight line in a curved world’
We are very happy to start the new exhibition season with the works of Sebastian Gumpinger after the summer break. On this first weekend of September, Munich’s galleries and institutions invite you to particularly exciting events as part of ‘Open Art’ and ‘Various Others’. For the opening, the gallery will remain open for you on […]
Rebellious Geometry – Jewelry
Jewelry artist Danni Schwaag lives and works in Bremen. She draws inspiration from moments, from travelling, nature, architecture, art history, interpersonal relationships and (unusual) materials. “At the beginning of my artistic process, there is a puzzle in front of me, a game of materials, shapes and colors. things laid are moved, discarded and rearranged, in […]
Rebellious Geometry – Painting
Rudolf Kämmer uses a strictly constructive concrete design vocabulary. Since the end of the 1950s, Kämmer has developed his ideas rendering basic geometric forms on graph paper with mathematical precision, while his colours, used sparingly, make his works glow and lift them up to an emotionally experienceable plane of existence. In 1961, Kämmer belonged to […]
Traveling Path
On occasion of Munich Jewellery Week, Quittenbaum Gallery is presenting jewelry and design by Dutch designer Herman Hermsen. The exhibition ‘Traveling Path’ includes examples of his work from five decades – necklaces, brooches, rings as well as brooch-picture combinations and some design objects. A video portrait accompanies the exhibition Since the 1980s, Herman Hermsen has […]
Plastic fragments under willow tree
On occasion of Open Art, the gallery is showing works on paper and bronzes by Jonghoon Im in a solo show for the first time. Born in Cheonan (South Korea) in 1988, the artist studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich with Prof. Eva Grubinger as well as painting and graphics with Prof. […]